Winter Preparation: Protecting Your Home, Plants, and Pets from the Freeze

Winter Preparation: Protecting Your Home, Plants, and Pets from the Freeze

Hi Everybody so it's that time of year again we have to prepare our house for the upcoming freeze. We're expecting temperatures tonight to drop down well below freezing, which means we need to protect our plants pipes and pets.

So our house is built in 2013, so we're not so much worried about the pipes. Pipes for newer homes on aren't normally a problem but if you have a an older home, it could be problematic. These older homes or ones that are built on pier and beam foundations could cause some worry about your pipes. So, you want to make sure you get those things well insulated.
Plants for us is a big deal because we have a lot of plants both indoors and out. Most of our outdoor plants have now been moved inside the house. However, we did leave some outside. Those, we covered with both blankets and plastic. One thing we learned a couple of years ago is that plastic really does protect bushes and some of the heartier plants from ice. Now, as soon as the temps warm above freezing, we will remove the covers. We also did not water the plants before covering them. I did not want ice to form in the root system. 
Now for the pets. Our dogs are spoiled rotten. They are inside pooches anyway. So, we don't worry about them being outside too much. However, when they do go outside, we keep an eye on them. After all, the ground, especially the concrete, is very cold. We don't want them to hurt their feet. Ice on their feet is also dangerous. So, we keep an eye out for that kind of thing.
If your pets are outside animals, that's ok too. You just need to make sure their shelter is warm and isolated from the wind and precipitation. It is also wise to check on them frequently and if you can, set up a small space heater. This is not always practical or possible, but an idea anyway. I know many folks who have horses, chickens, and hosts of other animals that stay in barns. There are ways to heat a barn without causing any additional stress to the animals or you as the owner. Make sure the heater or heating system is safe from fire hazards.
Thank you for your time. Look for more great tips in the near future. 

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